The weekend before Christmas, I lost my wedding band. It had been too big for some time (that's what I get for getting married while pregnant...haha), to the point I could just fling my hand and it would fly off. So, one morning, I went to take it off to moisturize my face, was gone. Nowhere. I searched and searched and came to the conclusion it got thrown into the trash or down the shower drain. I was upset, but it was easily replaceable. I mean, I got it at HellMart, ffs. It was the ring Mr. Refney had given me, though, so I was still upset about it.
fast forward until yesterday. New Year's Day. LilMiss gets up early, while we want to sleep in, of course. After getting her breakfast, she's quietly running around our bedroom while Mr. Refney and I are dozing. I hear a clicking noise on the table...I think she has gotten a hold of some coinage, so I jump up to grab it out of her hand before she decides to eat it. No, it wasn't a was my ring. I don't know where she found it. I turned that room upside down looking for it. And here comes miss indigo child with her beatific smile on her face, holding my ring.
Now if she could only find where I stashed that million dollar lottery ticket....
Congratulations on finding your ring! I'm so happy for you!!
My million dollar lottery ticket is missing too. Hope your little one finds yours!!
Oh man. I've lost my rings more times than I care to admit to, and my weight has fluctuated so much since I've been married that I hardly have worn them. Now I keep them safely tucked away and only put them on for special occasions (like when I want the circulation to my finger to be cut off).
I need to get something to make it fit again...any suggestions?
Yes. You take it to a jeweler and have it sized. Might want to hold off if you're planning to gain weight again anytime soon... Temps and charting??? ;)
The reason I'm looking for a temporary fix...hahaha :)
We'll see what the new year brings!
You could go all "High school boyfriend's class ring" and wrap the bottom of the band with some yarn to make it tighter.
Jennisee from TWWS
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